
Zapier無需代碼,連接兩個或以上的應用程式,從而自動化重覆的工序。當有「事件」(Event)在一個應用程式發生時,Zapier 會通知另一個應用程式,進行指定的行動。




  • 當未處理的諮詢(有諮詢ID)在CINNOX出現時,通過Zapier,在另一個應用程式建立新工作,以跟進諮詢。
  • 當外部聯絡人的資料加入到CINNOX後,通過Zapier,加入外部聯絡人資料到另一個應用程式。
  • 當外部聯絡人的資料加入到CINNOX後,通過Zapier,相關的資料會在另一個應用程式更新。

如要獲得更多資料,請瀏覽Zapier Online Documentation


我們的Omnichannel Contact Centre 方案提供Zapier集成。詳情請瀏覽定價頁。


新增一個Zapier帳號,以產生App ID和App Token,用來連接和驗證你的Zapier和CINNOX服務帳號。



  • 導航到管理>服務整合
  • 點擊第三方整合
  • 點擊Zapier
  • 點擊新增Zapier帳號,並輸入你的Zapier帳號名稱(可以是任何名稱),以產生出App IDAPP Token,連接和驗證Zapier帳號。
  • 點擊確認





  • 確認了你的Zapier帳號名稱後,控制面板會顯示你的Zapier 帳號憑證,包括:App ID、App Token以及Base URL。稍後,你需要複製這些憑證,並貼到Zapier帳號,作驗證之用。



保安理由,「重新產出」按鈕供定期更新App Token之用。然而,點擊此按鈕,會令連接了CINNOX的Zapier帳號終斷連接。決定點擊「重新產出」按鈕前請三思。




  • 登入你的Zapier帳號,點擊左邊功能表的My APP


  • 點擊右上角的+Add connection按鈕。
  • 在搜索欄輸入CINNOX


  • 填上從CINNOX複製出來的Zapier帳號憑證,包括:App IDApp Token,以及Base URL,將之貼到彈出式視窗內。
  • 點擊Yes, Continue,完成連接和驗證。


  • 螢幕顯示,CINNOX app已連接到該Zapier帳號。





CINNOX支援的Trigger類型Response objects內容
新增外部聯絡人資料Key = status
Value = create

Key = name
Value = (The full name of the external contact profile created.)
編輯外部聯絡人資料Key = status
Value = edit

Key = name
Value = (The full name of the contact profile that has been edited successfully)
合併外部聯絡人資料Key = status
Value = merge

Key = name
Value = (The full name of the external contact that has been merged with the other contact.)
轉讓外部聯絡人資料所有權Key = status
Value = transfer

Key = name
Value = (The full name of the external contact whose ownership has been transferred)

Key = fromOwnerID
Value = (The previous owner id)

Key = toOwnerID
Value = (The updated owner id)
刪除外部聯絡人資料Key = status
Value = delete

Key = name
Value = (The full name of the contact that has been deleted successfully.)
新諮詢Key = status
Value = Opened

Key = enquiryID
Value = (Enquiry ID)

Key = displayCaseNumber
Value = (Enquiry display number)

Key = type
Value = (Enquiry type e.g. Broadcast Chat, Broadcast Call, Direct Chat and Direct Call)

Key = channel
Value = (Channel e.g. CINNOX, Virtual Number, Email, Third Party Channel, Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE or WOZTELL)

Key = date
Value = (Date & Time)

Key = destination
Value = (destination id)

Key = destination Types
Value = (Destination Type e.g. STAFF, PSTN or TRUNK)
諮詢經客服處理中Key = status
Value = Handling

Key = enquiryID
Value = (Enquiry id)

Key = displayCaseNumber
Value = (Enquiry display number)

Key = type
Value = (Enquiry type e.g. Broadcast Chat, Broadcast Call, Direct Chat and Direct Call)

Key = channel
Value = (Channel e.g. Directory - Web Link, Campaign, Virtual Number, Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, WOZTELL, Email or Third Party Channel)

Key = date
Value = (Date & Time)

Key = destination
Value = (destination ID)

Key = destination Types
Value = (Destination Type e.g. STAFF, PSTN or SIP Trunk String)
結束諮詢Key = status
Value = Closed

Key = enquiryID
Value = (Enquiry id)

Key = displayCaseNumber
Value = (Enquiry display number)

Key = type
Value = (Enquiry type e.g. Broadcast Chat, Broadcast Call, Direct Chat and Direct Call)

Key = channel
Value = (Channel e.g. Directory - Web Link, Campaign, Virtual Number, Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, WOZTELL, Email or Third Party Channel)

Key = date
Value = (Date & Time)

Key = destination
Value = (destination id)

Key = destination Types
Value = (Destination Type e.g. STAFF, PSTN or SIP Trunk String)
未處理諮詢Key = status
Value = Missed

Key = enquiryID
Value = (Enquiry id)

Key = displayCaseNumber
Value = (Enquiry display number)

Key = type
Value = (Enquiry type e.g. Broadcast Chat, Broadcast Call, Direct Chat or Direct Call)

Key = channel
Value = (Channel e.g. Directory - Web Link, Campaign, Virtual Number, Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, WOZTELL, Email or Third Party Channel)

Key = date
Value = (Date & Time)

Key = destination
Value = (destination id)

Key = destination Types
Value = (Destination Type e.g. STAFF, PSTN or TRUNK)
收到簡訊發送的狀態Key = transactionId
Value = (The unique transaction id for each SMS)

Key = recipientNumber
Value = (recipient phone number)

Key = recipientCountry
Value = (recipent country)

Key = responseCode
Value = (response code)

Key = status
Value = (receipt status)

Key = exception
Value = (error message - for error response only)
新增標籤Key = status
Value = create

Key = id
Value = (The id of the created label)

Key = name
Value = (The name of the created label)

Key = colorCode
Value = (The color code of the created label based on the Hex colour code)
編輯標籤Key = status
Value = update

Key = id
Value = (The id of the edited label)

Key = name
Value = (The name of the edited label)

Key = colorCode
Value = (The colour whose code of the edited label is based on the Hex colour code)
刪除標籤Key = status
Value = deleted

Key = id
Value = (The id of the deleted label)

Key = name
Value = (The name of the deleted label)



如要配置Trigger (在Zapier稱為Event):

  • 登入到Zapier帳號,導航到Zaps,點擊+Create Zap


  • Zap命名,在搜索欄輸入CINNOX


  • 點擊Event的下拉式清單。
  • 選擇需要的Event
  • 選擇了Event後,點擊Continue


  • 點擊下拉式清單,選擇CINNOX Account以配置Trigger。
  • 如有需要,你可以點擊 +Connect a new account,連接新的CINNOX Account。


  • 點擊Continue


  • 點擊Test trigger


  • 假如你正確配置Trigger,在你點擊Test trigger後,綠勾會出現。

  • 點擊下拉式清單,選擇Zapier測試Trigger的位置和數據。

  • 點擊Continue


  • 點擊Continue之後,Trigger配置完成。下一步,你需要配置Action




  • 以下列表列出,在Zapier裡,CINNOX支援的相應行動。


CINNOX支援的相應行動Request ObjectsResponse Objects內容
取得諮詢資訊Key = Display Case Number (The required field)
Value = (displayCaseNumber)
Key = _id
Value = (DB record ID in CINNOX)

Key = uniqueKey
Value = (Internal Use)

Key = createdAT
Value = (Enquiry creation time)

Key = svcID
Value = (Service account ID)

Key = inquiry
Value = (Enquiry ID)

Key = tag
Value = (Tag ID)

Key = visitor
Value = (Visitor ID)

Key = roomID
Value = (Enquiry room ID)

Key = initChannel
Value = (Channel Type adopted by the enquiry)

- IM (Instant message)

Key = omniType
Value = (Omni-channel type adopted by the enquiry)

- CINNOX (Including Virtual Number, Weblink, directory staff, etc)
- FACEBOOK (Facebook)
- WECHAT (WeChat)
- WHATSAPP (Whatsapp)
- THIRDPARTY (Third party channel)
- CHATBOT (Chatbot)
- EMAIL (Email)

Key = ip
Value = (Visitor's IP address)

Key = language
Value = (language supported by the staff)

- en (English)
- it (Italian)
- ja (Japanese)
- th (Thai)
- zh-hans (Simplifed Chinese)
- zh-hant (Traditional Chinese)

Key = location
Value = (Visitor's location)

Key = locationDetail
Value =

- regionCode (Country code based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
- subdivision (Country subdivision code based on
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
- city (City where the visitor made the enquiry)
- province (Province where the visitor made the enquiry)

Key = platform
Value = (Platform where visitor uses for enquiry. e.g. ios)

Key = status
Value = (Enquiry status)

Key = closedByType
Value = (by whom/which the enquiry is closed)

- staff
- visitor
- system

Key = displayCaseNumber:
Value = (Displayed enquiry ID in CINNOX Dashboard)

Key = channel
Value = (channel type adopted by the enquiry)

- Directory
- Web Link
- Campaign
- Virtual Number
- Email
- Messager
- WhatsApp
- WeChat
- Third Party Channel

Key = destinationID
Value = (Destination ID)

Key = destinationName
Value = (Destination name)

Key = destinationType
Value = (Destination type)

- PHONE (PSTN Phone)
- STAFF (Staff List)
- TRUNK (SIP Trunk)

Key = destinationEndPoint Value = (Destination Endpoint)

Key = handledType
Value = (The method used to handle the enquiry)

- STAFF (Staff List)
- Phone (PSTN Phone)
- TRUNK (SIP Trunk)

Key = handledTarget
Value = (Staff's eid or phone number of enquiry handler)

Key = handledPartyName
Value = (Staff who handled the enquiry)

Key = huntedStaffTargetHistory
Value = (List of staff who picked up this enquiry)

Key = channelDetail
Value = (Details of the sub-channel)

- type (Channel sub-type, e.g. Tag or Staff in Directory)
- id: (Channel ID)
- maaiiDisplayName (Channel's displayed name)

Key = inquiryType
Value = (Enquiry type)

- Broadcast (Alerts all staff members and one of them picked up the enquiry)
- Direct (Directs to a specific staff)

Key = updatedAt
Value = (Time for update on the enquiry)

Key = closedAt
Value = (Closing time for the enquiry)

Key = inquiryGroup
Value = (Enquiry group details)

Key = transferredParty
Value = (Info of the destination where the enquiry was transferred)

Key = pickedUpAt
Value = (Time for the enquiry to be picked up)

Key = missedAt
Value = (Time for the enquiry to be missed)

Key = reopenedAt
Value = (Time for the enquiry to be re-opened)

Key = handledPartyDepartment
Value = (Department ID of the staff)

Key = visitorName
Value = (Visitor's full name)

Key = closeDuration
Value = (Enquiry duration, in milliseconds)

Key = historyJoined
Value = (ID of the staff who joined the enquiry)

Key = attachment
Value = True (With attachment)/ False (With no attachment)

Key = staffFirstName
Value = (Staff's first name)

Key = staffLastName
Value = (Staff's last name)

Key = visitorFirstName
Value = (Visitor's first name)

Key = visitorLastName
Value = (Visitor's last name)

Key = inquiryDeepLink
Value = (The link by default redirects the staff to the corresponding enquiry chat room on Handling Enquiry Details page, Missed Enquiry Details page or Closed Enquiry Detailspage.
(Please log in to the CINNOX Dashboard before clicking on the deep link)

Key = cid
Value = (Internal use)
Key = First Name
Value = (First Name of the external contact) (The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Last Name
Value = (Last Name of the external contact) (The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Level
Value = (Level of the external contact. Drop down list - Primary/ Secondary/ Tertiary)

Key = Type
Value = (Type of the external contact)
(Drop down list - Lead/ Prospect/ Customer/ Others)

Key = Phone Type
Value = (Drop down list -Mobile/ Work/ Home/ Other)

Key = Phone Number
Value = (Phone Numer of the external contact. Format: +county code + number)(Note that "+" should be added in front of the country code)

Key = Email Type
Value = (Drop down list -Work/ Personal/ Other)

Key = Email Address
Value = (Email address of the external contact)

Key = Company
Value = (Company Name of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Job Title
Value = (Job Tite of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Team
Value = (Team Name of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Group
Value = (Group Name of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Language
Value = (The language code based on ISO 639-1.
Drop down list - English (en)/ Italian (it)/ Thai (th)/ Japan (ja)/ Tranditional Chinese (zh-ant)/ Simplified Chinese (zh-hans))

Key = Birth Date
Value = (Date of birth of the external contact. Format: dd/mm/yyyy)

Key = Zip Code
Value = (Zip Code of the external contact)(The limit is 10 characters)

Key = Street
Value = (Street)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = City
Value = (City)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = State
Value = (State)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Country
Value = (Country)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Social Message Type
Value = (The social media the external contact uses. Drop down list - Messenger/ WhatsApp/ WeChat/ LINE/ Twitter/ LinkedIn/ WOZTELL (WhatsApp Cloud)/ WOZTELL (Facebook)/ WOZTELL (Instagram))

Key = Social Messaging Name Id
Value = (The social media ID or the account name of the external contact. Format: type + id/name)
(The limit of ID/Name is 100 characters)
Key = birth_date
Value = (Date of birth of the external contact)

Key = city
Value = (City)

Key = company
Value = (Company Name of the external contact)

Key = country
Value = (Country)

Key = email_address
Value = (Email address of the external contact)

Key = email_type
Value = (Email type of the external contact)

Key = first_name
Value = (First Name of the external cotnact)

Key = group
Value = (Group Name in the company)

Key = job_title
Value = (Job Title of the external contact)

Key = language
Value = (Language code based on ISO 639-1. e.g.: en, ja, zh-hans)

Key = last_name
Value = (Last Name of the external contact)

Key = level
Value = (Level of the External Contact)

Key = phone_number
Value = (Phone Number of the external contact)

Key = phone_type
Value = (Phone type of the external contact)

Key = social_messaging_name_id
Value = (The social media id or the account name of the external contact)

Key = social_messaging_type
Value = (The social media the external contact uses)

Key = state
Value = (State)

Key = street
Value = (Street)

Key = team
Value = (Team name of the external contact)

Key = type
Value = (Type of the external contact)

Key = zip_code
Value = (Zip Code)
取得外部聯絡人資料Key = Full Name (The required field)
Value = (Full name - The format should be First name{SPACE}Last name, support exact search only)
Key = id
Value = (External contact id)

Key = firstName
Value = (External contact first name)

Key = lastName
Value = (External contact last name)

Key = mobilePhone
Value = (Mobile contact number)

Key = workPhone
Value = (Work contact number)

Key = homePhone
Value = (Home contact number)

Key = otherPhone
Value = (Other contact number)

Key = email
Value = (Email address)

Key = personalEmail
Value = (Personal email address)

Key = otherEmail
Value = (Other email address)

Key = facebook
Value = (Facebook id)

Key = whatsApp
Value = (WhatsApp number)

Key = weChat
Value = (Wechat id)

Key = line
Value = (LINE id)

Key = twitter
Value = (Twitter id)

Key = linkedin
Value = (Linkedin account)

Key = companyName
Value = (Company name)

Key = department
Value = (Department team)

Key = jobTitle
Value = (Job Title)

Key = birthday
Value = (Birth date)

Key = language
Value = (Preferred language)

Key = addresses.street
Value = (Mailing address)
Key = addresses.city
Value = (Mailing city)
Key = addresses.state
Value = (Mailing state)
Key = addresses.zipcode
Value = (Mailing zipcode)
Key = addresses.country
Value = (Mailing country)

Key = customerType
Value = (Customer type)

Key = group
Value = (Contact group)

Key = level
Value = (Contact level)

Key = ownerID
Value = (Contact owner id)

Key = ownerName
Value = (Contact owner name)

Key = ownerDepartment
Value = (Contact - owner department)

Key = sharedWith
Value = (Staff member (staff id) shared with the contact)

Key = slavecontacts
Value = (Merged contacts (contact id))
取得號碼名單Key = Number Type
Value = (Drop down list - access-numbers (Virtual Number); cli (Service Number); sms-numbers (Alphanumeric))
Key = ServiceID
Value = (The service account ID)

Key = Number
Value = (The number)

Key = type
Value = (Type of the number)

- CUSTOM (Service number).
- TF (Toll-free number).
- DID (Local number)Key = country
Value = (The country where the phone number was registered)Key = expireDate
Value = (Number expiry date)
更新外部通訊錄Key = External Contact ID
Value = (The unique Id of the external contact to be updated)

Key = First Name
Value = (The updated First Name of the external contact) (The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Last Name
Value = (The updated Last Name of the external contact) (The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Level
Value = (The updated Level of the external contact.
Drop down list - Primary/ Secondary/ Tertiary)

Key = Type
Value = (The updated Type of the external contact. Drop down list - Lead/ Prospect/ Customer/ Others)

Key = Phone Type
Value = (The updated Phone Type of the external contact. Drop down list - Work/Personal/Other)

Key = Phone Number
Value = (The updated Phone Number of the external contact. Format: +country code + number)(Only supports a single phone number)(Note that "+" should be added in front of the country code)

Key = Email Type
Value = (The updated Email Type of the external contact. Drop down list - Mobile, Work, Home and Other)

Key = Email Address
Value = (The updated Email Address of the external contact)(Only support a single email address)

Key = Company
Value = (The updated Company Name of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Job Title
Value = (The updated Job Title of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Team
Value = (The updated Team Name of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Group
Value = (The updated Group Name of the external contact) (The limit is 100 characters)

Key = Language
Value = (The updated language code based on ISO 639-1. Drop down list - English (en)/ Italian (it)/ Thai (th)/ Japan (ja)/ Tranditional Chinese (zh-ant)/ Simplified Chinese (zh-hans))

Key = Birth Date
Value = (The updated date of birth. Format: dd/mm/yyyy)

Key = Zip Code
Value = (The updated Zip Code of the external contact)(The limit is 10 characters)

Key = Street
Value = (The updated street)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = City
Value = (The updated city)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = State
Value = (The updated state)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Country
Value = (The updated country)(The limit is 50 characters)

Key = Social Messaging Type
Value = (The updated social media the external contact uses. Drop down list - Messenger/ WhatsApp/ WeChat/ LINE/ Twitter/ LinkedIn/ WOZTELL (WhatsApp Cloud)/ WOZTELL (Facebook)/ WOZTELL (Instagram))

Key = Social Messaging Name Id
Value =(The updated social media ID or the account name of the external contact. Format: type + id/name)
(The limit of Id/Name is 100 characters)
Key = birth_date
Value = (The updated date of birth)

Key = city
Value = (The updated city)

Key = company
Value = (The updated company Name)

Key = contact_id
Value = (id of the updated external contact)

Key = country
Value = (The updated country)

Key = email_address
Value = (The updated email address)

Key = email_type
Value = (The updated email type)

Key = first_name
Value = (The updated first Name)

Key = group
Value = (The updated group Name in the company)

Key = job_title
Value = (The updated job Title in the company)

Key = language
Value = (The updated language code based on ISO 639-1. e.g.: en, ja, zh-hans)

Key = last_name
Value = (The updated last Name)

Key = level
Value = (The updated level of the External Contact)

Key = phone_number
Value = (The updated phone Number)

Key = phone_type
Value = (The updated phone type)

Key = social_messaging_name_id
Value = (The updated social media id the external contact uses)

Key = social_mesasging_type
Value = (The updated type of the social media)

Key = state
Value = (The updated state)

Key = street
Value = (The updated street)

Key = team
Value = (The updated team the external contact person belongs to in the company)

Key = type
Value = (The update type of the External Contact)

Key = zip_code
Value = (The updated zip code)

發送簡訊Key = Number Type
Value = (Drop down list - Virtual Number / Service Number)

Key = Sender Number
Value = (select from the drop down list)

Key = Receipient Number
Value = (Receipient Number, Format: Country code+Service Number)

Key = Text
Value = (SMS Content: The text of SMS message)

- Note: The limit of characters in a SMS message: English: 160 characters; Chinese: 70 characters. CINNOX will charge for each SMS sent.
Key = Response Code
Value = (response code)

Key = Exception
Value = (Error message)
發送即時訊息予員工Key = Staff Id
Value = (The Id of the staff you are required to sent an instant message to)

Key = Text
Value = (The text message you are required to sent to the Staff)
Key = staff_id
Value = (The Id of the staff you are required to sent an instant message to)

Key = text
Value = (The text message you are required to sent to the Staff)
發送即時訊息到群組(群組聊天)Key = Room Id
Value = (The Id of the chat room of the Space you are required to sent an instant message to)

Key = Text
Value = (The text message you are required to sent to the Space)
Key = room_id
Value = (Chat Room Id in CINNOX)

Key = text
Value = (The text message you are required to sent to the Space)




  • 在搜索欄輸入你需要配置Action的應用程式。


  • 點擊下拉式清單,選擇Event (需要發生的Action)。
  • 點擊Continue


  • 點擊下拉式清單,選擇進行Action配置的帳號。
  • 如有需要,你可以點擊+Connect a new account,連接新的帳號。


  • 點擊Continue


  • 點擊下拉式清單,選擇需要配置Action的數據。
  • 完成Action設定,點擊Continue


  • 點擊Continue


  • 假如你的Action設定成功,Test action亦成功進行的話,綠勾會出現。
  • 如有需要你可以點擊Publish ZapRetest & review


  • 點擊Publish & Turn On以執行你的Zap。


  • 完成Action設定後,Action profile便成功建立。



  • Action設定過程中的條件,取決於你的應用程式和Trigger。
  • 如需要更新Action設定過程中的條件,你可以點擊彈出式視窗內的Refresh fields








  • 導航到管理>服務整合>第三方整合
  • 點擊Zapier


  • 點擊你需要查看的Zapier帳號右邊的更多(...)




  • 重覆查看Zapier帳號的過程。
  • 點擊需要編輯的Zapier帳號。


  • 你只可以編輯Zapier帳號名稱。
  • 編輯完成後點擊儲存


  • 彈出提示框顯示帳號名稱已更新。




  • 導航到管理>服務整合>第三方整合>Zapier
  • 點擊你需要刪除的Zapier帳號右邊的更多(...)
  • 點擊刪除


  • 點擊刪除,確定刪除該帳號。


  • 彈出提示框顯示帳號已刪除。
